Highway Preventative Maintenance: Richmond Avenue and Harvester Avenue

Milling and resurfacing Richmond Ave (Oak Street to State Street) and Harvester Ave (Colorado Avenue to Main Street) with spot reconstruction; and full pavement reconstruction of Harvester Avenue (Ellicott Street to Colorado Avenue). Work includes curb, sidewalk/ramp upgrades, catch basins, driveway apron and some water services and valves.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date5/9/22 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

T.Y. Lin International
Dennis Kennelly dennis.kennelly@tylin.com  


City of Batavia, Genesee County

This is a Locally Administered Federal Aid Project. The DBE goal is 6%; there are no M/WBE goals.

This job requires a nonrefundable fee made payable to Avalon.

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